



One-day Observation begins with a consultation with the School Administrator about the professional growth needs of the school. Classrooms, programs and operations in need of support are observed and evaluated. Recommendations for improvement are made to the Administrator. Individualized coaching and modeling strategies for professional improvement are conducted with teachers and staff to expand their skills.


Staff In-Service is a 2-8 hour workshop of practical, interactive strategies for effective teaching on a topic determined by the School Administrator and the teachers. Child development, behavior management, character development techniques and educational Best practices that can be integrated into the classroom are presented. Includes Handouts.


Parent Education Workshop is a 2-hour presentation that helps parents navigate the challenges of child-raising in the modern world. Strategies for effective parenting are presented in an interactive format, one rich with insight and humor. Parents come away with a renewed sense of confidence and clarity. Includes Handouts.


Professional Staff Retreats are offered in 1-3 day formats for in-depth exploration of specific areas of personal, professional and organizational transformation. Highly interactive, rich with insight and humor, these strategies can be seamlessly integrated into the life of the school and the individual.



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Blueprint for Change: Helping Children Establish New Behavior Patterns – A practical technique for re-engineering patterns of self-limiting thinking that cause behavior problems and low self-esteem in children.


Creating A Collaborative Montessori Best Practice Culture – Via a process called the “Montessori Best Practice Matrix” based on Dr. Montessori’s scientific pedagogy, explore the standards and benchmarks for developing and maintaining authentic Montessori instructional programs and prepared environments.


Eight Characteristics of the Master Teacher – An empowering process of personal and professional transformation that utilizes the principles of the Native American Medicine Wheel.


Gaining and Maintaining Positive Relationships with Parents – Apply the principles of customer focus used by successful business organizations to your classroom environment to maximize school enrollment and ensure parent involvement at home and at school.


Peace Education – Training for early childhood and elementary teachers in peace education fundamentals. Includes communication and community building strategies, conflict resolution, peer mediation, leadership and character development.


Peer Mediation Training for Elementary Students – A comprehensive guide for implementing a student-facilitated conflict resolution program.


Quieting, Listening, Seeing, Sensing: Attuning to the Metaphors of Nature – Practical methods to help children expand their consciousness and develop character. Uses the natural world as a metaphor for transformation and growth.


The Four Aspects of the Spiritual Preparation of the Adult – Dr. Montessori’s ideas on the spiritual preparation of the adult are a vital component of her educational vision and model. Identify and explore these aspects as well as your own self-development needs as a Montessori professional. Create an action plan that transforms your classroom and your life.


The Four Planes of Development of the Montessori Guide –  As with the development of the child, Montessori teachers move through distinct stages in their professional development, each stage characterized by specific traits and tendencies. This program applies Dr. Montessori’s principle of “follow the lead of the child” to the development of the Montessori educator and offers suggestions to facilitate professional transformation.


What is Your Classroom’s “Creativity Quotient?” – A hands-on practicum for enhancing creativity and critical thinking in the classroom. Fosters new perspectives and habits of thinking.


Wild Fires of the Heart: Dousing the Flames of Anger – Creative and practical anger management methods that help resolve animosity and rebuild relationships in your classroom and school. Techniques focus on regaining personal and interpersonal harmony.



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Heroic, Humane and Happy: The Art of Building Character – Creative ways to help children develop respect and responsibility at home and in the classroom.


Calm, Collected and Self-Directed: Personal Energy Management –Help children overcome stress, anger, hyperactivity and inattentiveness.


The Hierarchy of Self Discipline: 8 Steps to Behavior Change – A Montessori-friendly behavior management program for home and school.


The Self-Awakened Child: A 9-step Character Development Process – An interactive curriculum on self-awareness and responsible decision-making based on the Excellence in Character books.


The Value and Values of Montessori Education – A hands-on demonstration of the spiritual, developmental and methodological foundations of the Montessori Method.



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School Leaders & Board of Directors


Assessing the Character of Your School Community – Explore 3 models that help create standards of excellence and a collaborative atmosphere in every aspect of the school program.


Blueprint for Change –Challenge and crisis can be an invitation to improve your skill as a school leader. Redirect the energy used to maintain nonproductive habits of thinking that inhibit your effectiveness and create relationships and a school culture that foster communication, cooperation and commitment.


Creating A Collaborative Montessori Best Practice Culture – Via a process called the “Montessori Best Practice Matrix”, explore the standards and benchmarks for developing and maintaining authentic Montessori instructional programs and prepared environments integral to Dr. Montessori’s scientific pedagogy.


Developing A Mentoring Culture in Your School Community – Create a dynamic mentoring culture among staff, students and parents based on principles of cooperative learning and peer teaching.


Empowering Staff to Support Organizational Objectives: Fostering an Atmosphere of Harmony, Loyalty and Teamwork – A self-assessment and planning process for heads of schools designed to create staff relationships that foster communication, cooperation and commitment.


Six Practices of Healthy School Communities: Fostering Harmony, Honoring Diversity, Building Unity – Build harmony among your school’s students, teachers, staff, parents and leaders and create a vibrant and dynamic learning community for all concerned.


The Tao of Montessori –In accord with the principles of Montessori philosophy, learn how to maintain the focus, energy and creativity necessary to balance observation, presentation and classroom management.


Transforming Schools Through Reflective Leadership Practices – Develop and operationalize the vision, core values and objectives that motivate staff and parents to support each other. Includes ideas for attracting and retaining quality staff; practices for honest, respectful communication; techniques for fostering personal responsibility and teamwork among staff; and methods for implementing and maintaining professional growth practices.

What is Your School’s “Creativity Quotient?” – A hands-on practicum for enhancing creativity and critical thinking in your school. Fosters new perspectives and habits of thinking.



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Retreats for Professional Development Leaders


Part I – THE INDIVIDUAL: Making Your Life and Your Work Be About What You Value Most – Take stock of your knowledge, skills, achievements, resources, and dreams, and reframe the direction of your work and your life in ways that feed your soul.


Part II – THE ORGANIZATION: Defining the Core Essence of Your Organization – Conceptualize the mission, values, and best-practices of your organization from the inside out. Build consensus, promote creativity and collaboration, inspire employee and customer trust and loyalty, and expand production and profit margins.


Part III – INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ENTRAINMENT: Unifying Values, Passions and Goals – Breathe new life into your organization by creating an institutional culture that develops and supports the capabilities, interests and goals of your employees; inspires innovation; reduces employee absenteeism and turnover; and fosters organizational effectiveness.


Part IV  THE COMMUNITY AND THE WORLD: Contributing to the Greater Good – Share your influence, expertise and resources by supporting others in your community and the world who are in need. Take a stand. Make a difference. Embrace your “greater self.”


Assessing the Character of Your Organization – Explore 3 models for creating standards of excellence and a collaborative atmosphere throughout your organization.


Blueprint for Change – Challenge and crisis can be an invitation to improve your skill as a leader. Redirect the energy used to maintain the nonproductive habits of thinking that inhibit your effectiveness as a leader and create relationships and an organizational culture that foster communication, cooperation and commitment.


Championing Greatness: Leadership that Transforms Lives and Organizations – A new vision of management, one that celebrates diversity, collaboration and connection is emerging. Discover the roots of this vision within your own life and learn to apply leadership principles that transform challenge and chaos into insight, effectiveness and personal and professional satisfaction.


Developing A Mentoring Culture in Your Organization – Create a dynamic mentoring culture among managers and employees that enriches communication and harmony, fosters relationships with clients and improves productivity and effectiveness.


Empowering Staff to Support Organizational Objectives: Fostering an Atmosphere of Harmony, Loyalty and Teamwork – A self-assessment and planning process for organizational leaders designed to create employee relationships that foster communication, cooperation and commitment.


Six Practices of Healthy Organizations: Fostering Harmony, Honoring Diversity, Building Unity – Learn to create a vibrant and dynamic working environment among your organization’s various departments and stakeholders.


Transforming Organizations Through Reflective Leadership Practices – Develop and operationalize an organizational vision, core values and objectives that motivate employees to do their best work and support their coworkers. Includes ideas for attracting and retaining quality employees; practices for honest, respectful communication; techniques for fostering personal responsibility and teamwork; and methods for implementing and maintaining professional growth practices.


What is Your Organization's “Creativity Quotient?” – A hands-on practicum for enhancing creativity and critical thinking in the workplace. Fosters new perspectives and habits of thinking.


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©2016 Jonathan Wolff | DevitaDesign